
There is power in prayer, and God is still active in healing people today. The Bible teaches us to "pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." When we commit to prayer, we are drawn closer to our Father.

Laying on of hands

Prayer Ministry.

If you, or someone you know, is in need of prayer, we would love to pray with you. We believe God still performs miracles today, and regardless of your situation, we want to see the power of God at work. Get in touch if you have a specific need you would like prayer for. Our team is always ready to help.

Be Restored

Inner Healing

Inner Healing is the spiritual process of dealing with the false beliefs, negative thoughts and wounds that have become ingrained in our hearts during painful episodes of life. We've all experienced emotional pain at some point in our lives, and when we fail to address that pain, we often lock it into our memories, even if we are unaware of it. This pain becomes so ingrained in us that it impedes our relationship with God and our relationships with others. It's possible to have the knowledge of God's love and hold the correct theological beliefs, but deep down if we subconsciously believe something else due to past hurt, we often act on that instead.

Starting the process of Inner Healing can be as simple as recognising that something is consistently going wrong in our life. For example, "Why do I end up fighting with my partner every week?" Or "How come I pull back whenever I start getting close to someone?" Once we have realised that something is not right, we ask God to show us what is going on, where this started and how we can deal with it. And once the ugliness in our past is exposed, we can forgive, repent and let the hurt go.

BE Healed

Physical Healing

Physical healing is not only possible but also a key part of the Gospel message. In Matthew 10:7-14 Jesus commands all of his disciples to heal the sick, and we believe he has authorised us to continue this work today.

We recognise the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in empowering us and greatly helping the person who is being prayed for. On occasions, inner healing may need to be performed for physical healing to manifest, as unforgiveness and bitterness can be prevent us from recieving healing.

If you suffer from a physical condition or sickness our team will be available at times throughout the week or during our Sunday service to pray for you. Physical healing is part of our inheritance as believers in Jesus, and we invite anyone who is interested to come to us for prayer.